(Observations in the "Presumed Innocent" series)
One thing I have noticed in my time living in the United States and my
time living in parts of Africa, Asia, and elsewhere, is that criminal justice
systems are often overloaded by suspects awaiting trial. Incarceration
facilities are over-filled with inmates, and plea bargaining is increasingly
used to decrease backlogs of cases, and to apply processing of those held
within the system of criminal prosecution, incarceration and appeals. These
conditions are not conducive to the protection of the innocent, of society at
large, or to the impartiality of courts and processes of “justice.”
In my experience, discrimination based upon affiliation, attribution,
or physical aspect may be most easily identified when racial color is involved,
but religion (differences of sect or differences of overall definitions of
faith), class/caste, gender, and many other factors contribute to social,
economic and educational exclusion, presumption of guilt, and the deprivation
of due process or even of basic human rights.
In too many places, factors such as inclusion, affluence, education,
and cultural impressions (or socially learned/accumulated distrust) of the law,
justice, judicial systems, and concepts of freedom/democracy affect both the
capacity to expect/receive, and the capability to obtain equal arrest and
processing treatment, information, access to efficient and sufficient legal
support, and disbursement of justice. In too many such places, the pre-trial
plea bargain, and appellate processes are less likely to uphold the swift and
impartial process of law, than to serve as a calculated gamble to mitigate the
negative impact of criminal charges, findings, judicial decisions and
punishments even in those systems where public defenders are available.
Further, in some places, and at some levels of trial even in the U.S.,
neither a “trial by jury of peers,” a bench trial, nor administrative process
unfailingly uphold any promise of fairness or impartiality. In some cases, yes,
innocent suspects are wrongfully convicted. In some cases, these innocents are
exonerated. In other cases, the barrage of legal expertise hired by defendants
wrongfully paint innocent victims/plaintiffs as criminals groundlessly and
maliciously accusing their clients. Juries are swayed by theatrics and
misinformation, the quest for truth takes a back seat to the power of
persuasion, and actual perpetrators are released while victims are left with
neither the credibility, funds, process, nor the stamina and courage required
to pursue an appeal for justice. In such an atmosphere, discrimination of all
sorts, against those wrongfully convicted and against those wrongfully
victimized, continues to thrive—because those bearing the brunt of the
abrogations of justice remain effectively voiceless.
It is an unfortunate reality that there has been, and may for some time
continue to be, a clash of black and white stereotypes (and, with less media attention, within the multitude of demographic, cultural, and racial subgroups struggling for a sense of identity and space, a balance of inclusion with autonomy, a balance of integration with adhering to known practices and heritage) within the criminal
justice system in the U.S., but I think this is one small, very visible piece
of a more insidious, much larger national, and even global disconnect between
the expectations of justice, and realities of crime and punishment between
those equipped to successfully navigate or even manipulate the systems of
justice and power, and those who are not.
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